Change Management
Gen AI
Part 2

Establishing Urgency

Generative AI is an evolving technology with the potential to impact various industries. It is important for companies to comprehend the urgency of this technology and its potential influence. One of the challenges of implementing generative AI is ensuring that the team understands the strategy and its significance. Companies should proactively introduce new products to the market and avoid reactionary approaches to competitors. Educating the team about the technology's benefits and leading its effective implementation is crucial.

Effective communication is essential in the context of generative AI. Over-communicating, as emphasized by Kotter's principle, is crucial, given that people may interpret words differently. Over-communication by leaders can ensure that the team comprehends the vision and objectives related to generative AI.

Forming a powerful coalition and ensuring cross-functional communication is essential in the context of generative AI to manage innovation and activity effectively. Creating a clear and compelling vision for generative AI is important for motivating and inspiring employees. Sharing value with innovative employees can foster a culture of innovation and collaboration.

For example, at Vanderbilt, several initiatives and programs support the development and implementation of generative AI, including seed grants, competitions, workshops, and training. These endeavours aim to create a culture of innovation and empowerment where individuals feel encouraged to share their ideas and collaborate.

Visibility and sharing are important for surfacing innovative work in generative AI, both internally and externally. Making this work visible can inspire and motivate others to contribute to the development of generative AI.

Creating a culture of innovation and empowerment is the goal of these initiatives. Concrete examples of generative AI applications, such as creating new product designs or optimizing supply chain operations, can aid in understanding its potential. Providing these examples can facilitate exploring generative AI applications within different disciplines.

Celebrating successes can drive momentum and ensure transformation efforts' success. Building in celebrations as part of the strategy and defining early wins can create a sense of ownership and engagement among team members, driving innovation and growth.